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Welcome to Stuff About Stuff!

Well, here it is. A new website about stuff. I plan on writing about a lot of stuff on here, mainly stuff that I'm interested in.

What kind of stuff, you ask? Mainly, I'm interested in writing about that kind of nerdy and geeky stuff in pop culture and how it relates to things like gender, race, academic issues, LGBTQIA issues, get the picture, right?

My decision to start this site comes from two different places. The first place comes from having just attended Dragon Con this past weekend, which has served to inspire me to write more about some of this. I'll get into that a bit more with my next post, which will be a review of some of the panels I attended over the weekend.

The second place is just a general desire to write more about the fun stuff that I like. In the past, I've found ways to use academics in various parts of my college education to write about Star Wars, Star Trek, Blade Runner, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, and the Discworld series. I've always enjoyed finding a way to make those connections between entertainment and more serious issues, and I want to do more of that in my life.

I suppose I should also mention here that I am writing--as we all do--from a certain perspective. While I strive to understand the perspectives of those who are different than I am, I do acknowledge that I am a cis white straight male, which to me means that it's up to me to listen to those who are more marginalized than I am. If I happen to miss something in my writing, feel free to comment and set me straight! I'm always willing and ready to learn!

So here we go!

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